Monday, January 28, 2008

Saturday, January 26, 2008

More Sundance Pics

In Salt Lake City at Justin's Tuesday Night Club with the owner.

The sign for Justin's club with my names spelled wrong.

Jeremy, who plays Otto, in front of our chalet.

Sundance by Bruce LaBruce.

Justin Strange's The Revolution Is My Boyfriend tattoo, a slogan from my movie The Raspberry Reich.

Brian the Mormon Hustler But We Are All Hustlers in Terrence Koh's 165,000 dollar fox and chinchilla coat. I think it's supposed to be a joke.

Two of the co-producers of Otto; or, Up with Dead People: Bruce Bailey (in the braces) and Terence Koh (in the chinchilla). PETA please direct all enquiries to Mr. Koh.

TK in Mickey Mouse shirt by Justus Zela with Chinchilla.

Terence Koh at Sundance

Terence Koh doing his best Lana Turner imitation of life. The shirt around his head is a present to TK from my friend Justus, which he made. It features a cameo of Yves Saint Laurent as Che Guevera.

Death in Sundance

This is mostly going to be my photo/visual blog, so here are some pics from my recent trip to Bloody Sundance. To read about my exploitative exploits, check out my CBC Sundance blog at or go to which is where it was originally posted. The first photo is me, Brian the Mormon Hustler But We're All Hustlers, and Justin Strange, whose club at the Trapp Door I dj'd at in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Otto Posters

I just love movie posters. I got my friend Dr. Wunder to do up some more poster concepts for Otto. Whadyathink?

Brad Renfro RIP

I once had the pleasure of meeting and hanging out with Brad Renfro. He was a sweet kid and we had a lot of fun. My friend Mark Hesselink took this photo of him that night. This is how I remember him. That's Bijou Phillips on the right and Sean Lennon appearing with Cibo Matto in the background.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

More Preliminary Otto Posters...

Hey Kids: here are a couple of mock-up Otto posters done by a certain someone who shall remain nameless. Why not submit your own Otto poster for consideration? x Blab

Monday, January 14, 2008

Otto Teaser Teaser Trailer

This is the very first trailer released on the internet for Otto; or, Up with Dead People. It first appeared on the website It's really just a teaser for the teaser.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sexy Smoking Torso

This is another illustration, by Tristan Jalleh, that first gave me the idea to make a sexy, melancholy gay zombie movie. I think it also may be the picture - I had it as my main image - that got me unceremoniously booted off MySpace after having acquired 10,000 maniac friends. Damn you, MySpace! (I'm back on NotMySpace, but it's not the same.)

Little Mister Overcast

Here is the very first illustration, by Chris Jennings, that inspired me to create Otto. But don't call him Emo or he will eat your face off!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Previously Unreleased Otto Production Still

Here is a previously unseen shot I took of Otto with his doppelganger on the set of Otto; or, Up with Dead People. It gets a little Freaky Friday at the end.

Otto Comic!

This is a little Otto comic that was created by Matt Hansen of Arrival Publishing as an industry teaser. Cute!

Friday, January 11, 2008

First Otto Poster!

This is the first poster for my new movie, Otto; or, Up with Dead People, designed by my storyboard artist Dr. Wunder for the Sundance Film Festival.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Saturday, January 5, 2008